Thursday, 24 August 2017

Week 5 News

This week we introduced a couple of new activities using the Chromebooks and iPads for spelling and reading. The children have been learning the meaning and practicing typing their spelling words like Fiona here...

and sharing facts they've learned, like Paea here...

The class also worked on another weekly news slideshow!

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

The Naughty Monkeys

Recently a group of Rm 21 students acted out a story they had read and it was made into a marvellous movie by our ESOL teacher, Mrs Hadlow. You can see it on the ESOL blog:

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Welcome Miss Taylor!

This week we welcomed Miss Taylor into our class for a two-week placement. Miss Taylor has been getting involved in our classroom programme, and she has been sharing her passion for soccer! Here she is in action with George at maths time...