Thursday, 30 November 2017

Week 7 News

This week we got busy using scales to measure all kinds of objects, making lanterns in Chinese class, and weaving coasters on a circular loom. The class have made some news slides to tell you all about it!

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Jolly Hockeysticks!

Recently at PE time, we've had coaches from Auckland Hockey visiting to teach us some of the basics. Here are some pictures of the class working with Nic from Auckland Hockey today.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Once Upon a Family Assembly

Here are the teams from our assembly item today!

Our travellers

Our corporates

Our Pacific voyagers

Our families

Our cafe group

Our presenters

Our farmers

You can watch a video of the assembly at:

Surf to School

Yesterday we had a visit from some lifeguards, who came to teach us about their role and about safety at the beach. There were games, demonstrations and was a neat session!

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

In our opinion!

This week we started a unit on persuasive writing. We have been deciding what we think about certain issues, and explaining our reasons why.

We have an "opinion line" on the floor, which ranged from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree". We stand in the place that matches our opinion.

We have to be able to explain why we chose to stand there, so we chat with the people around us and confirm our ideas.

Once we've written our arguments, we take turns to proclaim them confidently while standing on our chairs. It just seems more official, somehow...

Our trip to Auckland Museum

Last week we visited Auckland Museum. We went to learn about Pacific Voyagers. We had a lesson with Vili, one of the museum's educators, and we learned about vaka, navigation, and more. We tried our hand at using replicas of old drills and at lashing wood together.

Here are some of our observations...

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Birds of Paradise

This week we ventured out to look at one of the most spectacular plants in the school garden, the bird of paradise. 

We observed the flowers, and imagined what sort of personalities these "birds" might have. We wrote poems about them.

The Show-Off

by Flynn

Proudly he shows off his beak, 

and does a pose for cars passing by,

They look at the flame-coloured beak,

with a pointy end,

He snaps at cars, snap snap!

The Hunter

by Liam

Slowly he peeps through the fence,
Quickly he opens his jaws,
Strong, stout, deadly,
He's waiting for his green, sharp jaws to go,

The Poser

by Alannah

Gracefully she puffs out her feathers,
Vainly she shows off her pastel coloured beak,
Posh, silent, sneaky
Confidently she strikes a pose and thinks...

We also painted the flowers...

The results were very pretty! They will be display in the classroom next term.

More fun with measurement!

Recently we've been learning about measuring length. We practised this skill twice this week with different materials.  On Tuesday we measured leaves, with the goal of finding 3 leaves and measuring them precisely. 

 Today we worked with jelly snakes. We measured a normal snake, a headless snake, and a special one we called "Mr Stretchy". We had some very stretchy snakes in the room!

The children photographed their work and made slides to show their results. Here are a couple of examples...